
Problems and solutions
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*Karpova T.V., Sukhareva I.L. Satisfaction of the body's need for biologically active substances. Science, technology and education. 2015
McNulty H., Scott J.M. Intake and status of folate and related B-vitamins: considerations and challenges in achieving optimal status. British journal of nutrition. 2008 Jun; 99 Suppl 3: S48-54.
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**Rybakova G.V. Cholesterol and its effect on the body. Bulletin of NGIEI. 2011 Karpova T.V., Sukhareva I.L. Satisfaction of the body's need for biologically active substances. 2015 / Science, technology and education.
***Lewicki S. et al. The role of Chromium III in the organism and its possible use in diabetes and obesity treatment. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2014, Vol 21, No 2, 331–335
Karpova T.V., Sukhareva I.L. Satisfaction of the body's need for biologically active substances. Science, technology and education. 2015. No.2 (8) p. 113-115.
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